January 2013 Fire Recovery Efforts
YEAHHHHH!!! I was able to get a post hole digger on Wed.!!! To some, it might seem odd to be excited about a post hole digger; but, it meant that I was able to finish getting the dirt and clay out of the bottom of the hole for the future out-house - without getting stuck - head first - down in a hole that's "interesting" getting out of "right side up" (and, I'm 5'9"...) Imagine having to use a sick room toilet chair out under the trees in the dead of winter; and, you'll better understand why I'm so thrilled to have been able to get a post hole digger...

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    My name is Genevieve and 26 years ago when I needed help Kathy was there.  She shared her experience, strength, and most of all hope.  I am where I am today as a result of Kathy and people like her.

    Rarely is one blessed to be able to give back to someone that has given to them.  We are usually left to simply pass on what was given so freely to us to another.

    This is my opportunity to give back to Kathy.  Not only for me but for the countless others she has served.  She is a passionate selfless woman who I have admired most of my adult life.


    November 2013
    October 2013
    September 2013


    Kathy's Progress